Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary determined that it needed to take a more organized, streamlined approach to copyright permissions and purchased the CCC Annual Copyright License in the hope that it would provide time savings and process improvements.
As with most academic institutions, the start of a new term was always hectic at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary (LPTS), due in large part to the laborious, time-consuming task of obtaining permissions to reuse copyrighted material in the Seminary’s print and electronic reserves.
Searching for a solution to its permissions challenges, LPTS discovered CCC’s Annual Copyright License. The license provides comprehensive, institution-wide coverage to share text-based copyrighted content in print and electronic coursepacks, course management systems, e-reserves, research teams, administrative communications and more.
With CCC’s support, LPTS purchased and quickly implemented the Annual Copyright License, including training for its faculty and staff. In addition to successfully streamlining LPTS’s process for obtaining permissions, the Annual Copyright License has also helped the Seminary save money on royalty fees.