First in a series of three symposia, “Deadline 2030: The Shape of Things to Come” was recorded at the IFRRO International Conference 2021 on 14 October. Participants included:Ted Shapiro, Partner, Wiggin, Brussels; Ang Kwee Tiang, SVP, Asia Public Policy, Universal Music Group; and Silke von Lewinski, Senior Research Fellow, Intellectual Property and Competition Law, Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition; moderated by Tracey Armstrong, President and CEO, CCC and Chair of the International Conference. The discussion included what the world of copyright will look like by decade’s end, including how pandemic-driven change in education and research might shape the future of intellectual property, and what role the copyright community will have as positive influencers on economic and cultural development. Also addressed are technological advancement challenges and the ways in which we regulate intellectual property. Will these challenges will break or strengthen copyright and licensing?