The move to Open Access (OA) is changing the way that information is disseminated for all parties involved, from authors to readers to publishers. When CCC approached us to share more about our relationship, I welcomed the opportunity to discuss how we have been able to use RightsLink for Scientific Communications (RLSC) to improve our editorial workflows and spend more time focusing on what matters most: editing and collaborating with authors to produce quality journal articles.

In order to achieve that goal, it was crucial for us to find an OA workflow solution that freed up time for production editors who were bogged down by manual processes in managing OA payments. Our previous system was cumbersome for users, leading to most invoices continuing to be generated manually, causing delays as we tracked down late payments. This was further complicated by the number of authors and institutions partnered with us, causing extra administrative work in order to keep track of the different agreements in place.

When CCC learned that Bioscientifica was moving to an OA model, they came to us to learn our challenges and demonstrate how RLSC could help solve them. We implemented RLSC at just the right time, as we quickly saw growth in both the number of journals we publish and the number of articles in those journals being open access for readers. Leveraging RLSC, our team has reduced the time our production editors spend on invoicing to nearly zero. RLSC has also given us to give the ability more easily scale our institutional agreements.

In searching for a solution, we found an extension of our existing relationship. CCC connects us with other publishers on various roundtables to discuss what the industry needs and uses that input to guide their innovations. They’re easy to work with and make modifications to their solutions to meet our particular workflow needs. They also understand we’re a nonprofit that needs to control costs so we can reinvest our revenues into industry research and build relationships with industry experts. Much like us, CCC values their relationships with publishers using RLSC and our place within the OA community.

Read the case study about how RightsLink for Scientific Communications helps Bioscientifica manage their OA workflows here and how CCC continues to evolve with the OA community here. 


Author: Simon Laurenson

Simon Laurenson is Operations Manager at Bioscientifica and is responsible for publishing operations and management of suppliers and systems. He has worked on academic journals and books for over 30 years, at Bioscientifica and Institute of Physics, and he has also worked in the printing industry and as a freelance proofreader/copyeditor. His interests outside of work include local history, countryside walks and football.
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