
Annual Copyright License

The ACL is the enterprise-wide, content licensing solution offering millions of rights from thousands of publishers

How it works


  • Complement your subscriptions and publisher agreements with a single-source licensing solution
  • Provide a consistent set of reuse rights across publishers to enable your team to efficiently collaborate
  • Demonstrate your organization’s respect for intellectual property and commitment to corporate social responsibility


  • Allow library staff to spend less time verifying rights and obtaining individual permissions
  • Limit copyright infringement risk
  • Reduce exception handling with a consistent set of storage and re-use rights that apply across copyrighted content

Discover more

CCC Annual Copyright License product sheet View product sheet

Customer success story

Employees want to be able to reuse copyrighted content such as newspaper and magazine articles, books, blog postings and video content in all formats from as many titles as possible. And they want an easy verification process to know what rights have been granted to them when they go to use that content”

Patrick Flaherty Assistant General Counsel for Trademarks and Copyrights at Verizon