Are you unclear on how copyright law impacts your day-to-day work? If so, Copyright Clearance Center offers this Copyright 101 eLearning certificate course to provide an overview of U.S. copyright law and when permission to use copyrighted materials may be required.

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Upcoming dates

  • 19 March 2024
    1:30 PM EDT
  • 14 May 2024
    1:30 PM EDT


$250 per individual

Course objectives

  • Describe the intent of §107 of the Copyright Act on Fair Use
  • Discuss best practices for the use of copyrighted content
  • Examine the purpose of U.S. copyright law
  • Identify potential acts of copyright infringement
  • Recognize copyright implications for the use of digital content

Course logistics:

  • A live 120 minute  online session
  • Certificate upon successful completion of the course
  • Extended acces to the webcast recording and ePortal resources
  • Electronic course materials

Who should attend?

Copyright 101 is designed for employees who need a basic overview of U.S. copyright law to assist with day-to-day work responsibilities. This course is a condensed version of the comprehensive six-module course, Advanced Copyright for Business.