Are you unclear on how copyright law impacts publishing? Copyright Clearance Center’s six module eLearning certificate course, Advanced Copyright for Publishing, focuses on U.S. copyright law and when permission to use copyrighted materials may be required for both content creation and content use.

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Upcoming dates

  • 2 May 2024
    1:30 PM EDT


$750 per individual

Course objectives

  • Examine the purpose of U.S. copyright law and some common misconceptions
  • Discuss international copyright considerations
  • Identify and define different types of licensing options
  • Describe the purpose and various types of intellectual property
  • Review the provisions described in sections 106, 107 and 109 of the Copyright Act
  • Recognize the copyright implications of using digital content
  • Conduct a fair use analysis on some typical content use scenarios in your organization
  • Discuss best practices for the use of copyrighted content

Course logistics

  • Three 90 minute live online sessions on 3 separate days
  • Electronic course materials
  • Recording of the online session
  • Certificate upon successful completion of the course

Who should attend

Editors and rights and permissions, production, marketing, sales and finance personnel from all organizational levels who want to learn more about how copyright law impacts publishing.