Bioscientifica collaborated with CCC to implement RightsLink for Scientific Communications to manage and optimize Open Access workflows at a time of growth in number of journals published.
As the scientific publishing industry started to move to Open Access publishing, Bioscientifica had to transition its payment model to reflect this movement away from the traditional subscription-only model. Coupled with growth in the number of medical journals the organization was publishing, Bioscientifica needed to convert to a hybrid or fully open-access model that allows free access to readers while charging fees to authors and their funding institutions.
RightsLink for Scientific Communications from CCC came along just in time for the Bioscientifica growth spurt—the organization now publishes 12 journals, and income from author payments for open-access articles has tripled. During this period of growth, they’ve used RLSC to manage invoicing to free up editorial staff to focus on producing high-quality articles, decrease bad-debt rates on invoices, and allow authors to more easily publish articles and grant open access to their audiences.